Help make it a reality

The First Forest Mobility Trail in Greece

1.000 / 150.000€

Why We Need Your Help

The Accessible Path is a vision that can change the lives of many people. Creating a forest mobility path is not only a technical challenge, but also an opportunity to make nature accessible to all. Your help is critical for the following reasons:

The construction and maintenance of the trail requires significant financial resources. From special trail materials to infrastructure such as picnic tables, every item has its cost. Donations and sponsorships are essential to meet these needs and to ensure the quality and safety of the project.


Your donation can directly help in the construction and maintenance of the trail. With your contribution, you are helping to create a safe and accessible space for people with disabilities and reduced mobility. Every euro brings us closer to our goal.


Businesses can sponsor the Accessible Path and enjoy a range of reciprocal benefits. With your sponsorship, you will have the opportunity to be seen as a supporter of an important social project that promotes equality and accessibility to nature.

Your help is invaluable. Together, we can make the Accessible Path a reality and offer everyone the opportunity to enjoy nature without barriers. Thank you in advance for your support!


The private funding will accelerate the implementation, but also the promotion of the project, with the aim of making it a benchmark. The uniqueness and originality of the project is expected to attract the attention of the media and the public. Your participation as a sponsor will generate widespread positive publicity and visibility, promoting your business as a supporter of accessibility, equality and sustainable development. For more information on sponsorship interest please contact

Permanent Marking and Identification

As a sponsor, your name will be permanently displayed on signs in the Buffy shelter area as well as in presentations to promote the Trail. This ensures continued visibility and recognition of your contribution to the community and the project.

View on Social Media

Your action will be shown on Access To Nature's social media, as well as in the shelters of Buffy and Flambouri of Parnitha, and also on the social networking pages of Trekking Hellas, which is a great supporter of the project. This visibility will enhance your online presence and connect you with a wide audience that appreciates the values of accessibility and sustainability.

Events and Press Conferences

As a sponsor, you will be able to use rooms in the Buffy Refuge for press conferences and corporate events. These events are ideal for announcing your sponsorship and introducing the trail to the media, agencies and dignitaries.

Corporate Meetings and Workshops

We can host corporate meetings and workshops for your business in the area of the Buffy shelter. During these meetings, your employees will have the opportunity to enjoy environmental tours and company activities, boosting teamwork and morale.

Strengthening the ESG Pillars

Your sponsorship of Accessible Path strengthens many pillars of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) corporate programs. Contribute to sustainable development, environmental protection and social inclusion, adding significant value to your corporate image and social acceptance.